I welcome you to the first community-owned polytechnic in Nigeria. Igbajo Polytechnic strives to enhance frontiers of sustainable development through skills acquisition and entrepreneurship training for our students with a stable academic calendar.
In this ever-changing world, the polytechnic is ever focused on producing 21st Century problem-solving graduates rather than job seekers. Our main focus is to produce a total student with our array of well-equipped laboratories, technical support units, workshops, libraries and studios.
Our partnership with industry players ensures our students' experience is enriched with technical visitations, seminars and field trips. We focus on training individuals to develop interest in, and capacity for the application of fundamental principles of knowledge to the solution of the problems of our society.
Our academic community is endowed with passionate team players who are focused on inspiring students to engage in impactful research on the needs of their immediate environment and beyond to better the world we live in.
The host community is the owner of the polytechnic which makes the community very safe and friendly to staff, students and visitors of Igbajo Polytechnic. Hospitality enjoyed in Igbajo is second to none! I admonish you to explore and exploit the wonderful nature of our beautiful setting and pleasant people.
November 4th, 2024
November 1st, 2024
March 26th, 2024
October 31st, 2023
August 17th, 2023